Hi, I am scoop

About me

I am a full stack web de veloper. I am a self learner and also working on some worthy projects. I have also contributed in many open source projects and also helped many people to build their dreams. I cannot make your dreams come true but I can make a platform where your hardwork can. This is not just a portfolio, this is a helping hand laid by me for you. I love to help others and also stay excited for new and challenging projects.

Languages I use

HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is the most basic building block of the Web. It defines the meaning and structure of web content.

Cascading Style Sheets is a style sheet language used for describing the presentation of a document written in a markup language such as HTML.

JavaScript, often abbreviated as JS, is a programming language that conforms to the ECMAScript specification. JavaScript is high-level, often just-in-time compiled, and multi-paradigm.

React is an open-source, front end, JavaScript library for building user interfaces or UI components. It is maintained by Facebook and a community of individual developers and companies.

Flask is a micro web framework written in Python. It is classified as a microframework because it does not require particular tools or libraries.

Django is a Python-based free and open-source web framework that follows the model-template-views architectural pattern.

Some of my works

Instagram clone

This Instagram clone is made with react and firebase. This is a fully working clone.


Discord clone

This Discord clone is made with react and firebase. This is a fully working clone of discord.


FaceBook clone

This FaceBook clone is made with django. Go and try this you won't regret.


Twitter clone

This Twitter clone is made with flask. Flask has added more flexibility in this. Just go and check it.


Slack clone

This Slack clone is made with react and firebase. You cannot just differ between this and the original one.


Netflix clone

This Netflix clone is also made with react and firebase. One more technology which is TMDB is used for fetching movie data.


Get my more projects on my GitHub


Contact me

Thanks for being with me.